I wanted to take a moment and share all the things that are going on in the Gluster Community. It really has been an amazing year, and we’re only halfway through. Here’s a recap for those of you watching from home: Launched the Gluster Community Forge in early May – http://forge.gluster.org/ as of now, there …Read more
One of the best things about OpenStack development is the rich testing and review frameworks around it. The most important of which are tempest and devstack. In this post I will discuss how I recently squashed a particularly painful bug (read: I make dumb mistakes) in my latest patch to Glance. The Bug My patch […]
Amidst the madness of the OpenStack Summit a couple of weeks ago, you could be forgiven for not seeing a Red Hat announcement about GlusterFS being “OpenStack-ready”. You may wonder, what exactly do we mean by “OpenStack-ready”? The first thing to understand is that storage in OpenStack is multifaceted. It could mean applications storing objects …Read more
Unless this is your first time reading my blog, you are probably aware that I am beginning to become obsessed with the idea of a data transfer service. In this post I continue the topic from my previous post by introducing a couple of diagrams. A diagram of a possible swift deployment is on the […]
Gluster is a distributed filesystem that works well in the cloud. This post explains how to configure GlusterFS on an Ubuntu 12.04 image running in HP’s cloud.
Using this setup, I gain all the benefits of a distributed and replicated (redundant) filesy…
The Gluster Community and SwiftStack would like to invite you to join our sprint at PyCon 2013, taking place in the Hyatt Regency, Santa Clara, CA, on Monday, March 18, 2013. The sprint is meant for anyone who wants to create apps leveraging the Swift API – which means anyone who’s ever wanted or needed …Read more
The Cascadia IT Conference is looking for sponsors and proposals for talks, tutorials and panels.
Lets get this thing started! Cascadia IT Conference 2013 is March 15,16. Submit your proposals now. Earlier is better casitconf.org/casitconf13/cf&hellip…
I’m happy to announce the availability of UFO Pilot, an HTML5 web app for accessing a Gluster UFO/OpenStack Swift object store from your Android or iOS mobile device.
Feel free to download it from Github and offer your feedback.
As an aside, Gluster …
A little while back, I tested out the Unified File and Object feature in Gluster 3.3, which taps OpenStack’s Swift component to handle the object half of the file and object combo. It took me kind of a long time to get it all running, so I was pleased to find this blog post promising a […]
I’m trying to use openstack for my 2 vm hosts. I think that this will puppetize better than how I’m doing it now. Primarily, I think OpenStack will offer more flexibility when I need to schedule hardware maintenance as it will handle which compute node…
Within the past couple weeks, Fedora and Gluster rolled out new versions, packed with too many features to discuss in a single blog post. However, a couple of the stand-out updates in each release overlap neatly enough to tackle them together–namely, the inclusion of OpenStack Essex in Fedora 17 and support for using Gluster 3.3 as a […]