In this context I am talking about the dynamic provisioning capability of ‘glusterfs’ plugin in Kubernetes/Openshift. I have submitted a Pull Request to Kubernetes to add this functionality for GlusterFS. At present, there is no existing network storage provisioners in kubernetes eventhough there are cloud providers. The idea here is…
OpenShift is a platform as a service product from Red Hat. The software that runs the service is open-sourced under the name OpenShift Origin, and is available on GitHub. OpenShift v3 is a layered system designed to expose underlying Docker and Kubernetes concepts as accurately as possible, with a focus…
Deploying an open source enterprise cloud just got a little bit easier yesterday with the release of the newest version of the OpenStack platform: Icehouse. To quote an email from OpenStack rele…
How an open source project is governed can matter just as much as the features it supports, the speed at which it runs, or the code that underlies it. Some open source projects have what we migh…
When reading a recent article by Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst, I was struck by a comparison made between OpenStack and the interstate highway system. The article in Wall Street and Technology…
If you saw our Gluster Spotlight (“Integration Nation”) last week, you’ll recall that Javi and Jaime from the OpenNebula project were discussing their recent advances with GlusterFS and libgfapi access. Here’s a post where they go into some detail about it: The good news is that for some time now qemu and libvirt have native …Read more
(This was originally published at the web site) Introduction Deploying Pydio in a highly-demanding environment (lots of users, tons of documents) to achieve a dropbox-like server at scale requires a solid and elastic architecture. As a distributed file-system and software-defined storage, GlusterFS is a low-cost way of providing robust storage architecture on standard hardware. …Read more
Configuring Glace, Cinder and Nova for OpenStack Havana to run on GlusterFS is actually quite simple; assuming that you’ve already got GlusterFS up and running.
So lets first look at my Gluster configuration. As you can see below, I have a Gluster volume defined for Cinder, Glance and Nova.… Read the rest
The post Configuring OpenStack Havana Cinder, Nova and Glance to run on GlusterFS appeared first on vmware admins.
The OpenCompute systems are the the ideal hardware platform for distributed filesystems. Period. Why? Cheap servers with 10GB NIC’s and a boatload of locally attached cheap storage!
In preparation for deploying RedHat RDO on RHEL, the distributed filesystem I chose was GlusterFS.… Read the rest
The post Installing GlusterFS on RHEL 6.4 for OpenStack Havana (RDO) appeared first on vmware admins.
Or “How I learned to start worrying and never trust the cloud.” The Clouderati have been derping for some time now about how we’re all going towards the public cloud and “private cloud” will soon become a distant, painful memory, much like electric generators filled the gap before power grids became the norm. They seem …Read more
If you’ve been watching the Gluster Community Day page, you’ve noticed lots of activity lately. That’s because we are planning several of these around the world, in addition to a few others we’ve already run this year. What is a ‘Gluster Community Day?’ It’s a day for in-depth sessions, use cases, demos, and developer …Read more
I wanted to take a moment and share all the things that are going on in the Gluster Community. It really has been an amazing year, and we’re only halfway through. Here’s a recap for those of you watching from … Continue reading →
Gluster is a distributed filesystem that works well in the cloud. This post explains how to configure GlusterFS on an Ubuntu 12.04 image running in HP’s cloud.
Using this setup, I gain all the benefits of a distributed and replicated (redundant) filesy…