[caption id="attachment_6" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Screenshot"][/caption]Location Finder for Joomla! is a component that allows your users to search for the closest location of your business and get driving directions. Implemented using …
We’ve already received some favorable press about the platform release. Network World, 12/8/09 “Gluster extends file system into Storage Platform, VM failover” Virtual Strategy Magazine, 12/8/09 “Storage on a Stick” podcast interview with Jack O’Brien, Senior Director of Marketing at Gluster TMCnet, 12/8/09 “Gluster Storage Platform launches” Wikibon, 12/9/09 “And the world spawns another file …Read more
You have probably noticed we relaunched the Gluster website last month, changing the look and feel, navigation, and a substantial amount of the content. We also formally changed the name of the company to Gluster from Z Research and created a new logo (the ant didn’t disappear for good – more on that shortly). We …Read more
Thanks to everyone who has shared their Gluster deployment information with the community. We recently reorganized the ‘Who is Using’ information into a table that is much easier to navigate. We also integrated an interactive map that provides a global view of Gluster deployments. We encourage you to check it out, see how others are …Read more
Gluster is evolving from a standalone file system to a complete storage OS. Gluster Platform integrates GlusterFS with an operating system layer, management GUI, and installer. You can start with two bare servers and provision a few hundred terabytes of clustered storage in less than 30 minutes. The core file system is also being upgraded …Read more