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Gluster Community Announces Data Liberate: an Open Source Storage Hackathon & Mixer


Calling all storage, cloud, and big data developers and devops practitioners: The Gluster Community invites you to attend the Data Liberate open source storage hackathon and mixer on Sunday, April 13, in San Francisco.

Highlights of the event include:

  • Swift API: The RESTful API for OpenStack Object Storage has matured to the point that it extends beyond the OpenStack world. Create apps that utilize the Swift API. Create the best app and win a prize.
  • GFAPI: Since the Gluster Community released the libgfapi C library, a host of integrations have followed suit – OpenNebula, OpenStack Nova, Qemu/KVM, iSCSI TGT, SAMBA VFS, and more. Build some apps, integrate with GFAPI.
  • GFAPI bindings: Existing language bindings for GFAPI include Java, Ruby, Go, and Python, and we’d love to see more. Create bindings that don’t exist yet, or utilize existing bindings to make some awesome storage services apps.
  • HCFS (Hadoop Compatible FileSystems): Help make storage plugins for HDFS using the HCFS interface.
  • Storage automation: Puppet-Gluster empowers storage admins to automate their storage services. Help us hack on Puppet-Gluster or other configuration management tools.


  • 9:00am – 10:00AM: Registration and introduction to topics
  • 10:00am – 1:00PM: Morning hacking
  • 1:00pm – 2:00PM: Lunch served on-site
  • 2:00pm – 5:30PM: Afternoon hacking
  • 5:30pm – 6:00PM: Fabulous prizes awarded
  • 6:00pm – 8:00PM: Drinks, food, and socializing

Are you a beginner? Cool! Experts will be on hand leading sessions throughout the day to help you get started.

Register now

This article originally appeared on
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