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Static IPs on KVM + (minimal) Fedora 16 installation


Getting networking to work the way you want it to in a VM can be scary sometimes.
I recently found it was tricky to have both a STATIC IP as well as internet connectivity inside of KVM provisioned VMs.   The ultimate reason was that the “GATEWAY” field was not being set right. 

The moral of the story:  On KVM boxes, when bridging in a virtual network, the virt managed default bridged IP address needs to be set as the gateway… Thus, when your guests are in a “virtual network” – the “gateway” is the internal IP address provided to them by the hypervisor that represents the “outside” of their internal network.   

1) Stop the firewalls in iptables:

         iptables -F

2) Edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 like so (obviously the “IPADDR” can be anything you want as long as its in the right range.



BOOTPROTO=”static” <— Change this from “dhcp” to “static”



IPADDR= <— this is any old arbitrary IP in-range.


GATEWAY= <— this is aliased ipaddress of your host inside of KVM.


3) Restart networking so that the IP and GATEWAY can be reset.

       service network restart

4) Ping somebody and watch the magic unfold:



If you get a “Destination Host Unreachable”: 

Your gateway is wrong.   Make sure your gateway is the same as your host vm’s ipaddress. 

If you get an unknown host: 

You may not have an assigned IP (IPADDR wrong or out of range).

A strange note to keep in mind — somehow, even with a bad gateway (i.e. destination host unreachable), I could still resolve hostnames – not sure why. 


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