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Howto: Using UFO (swift) — A Quick Setup Guide


This sets up a GlusterFS Unified File and Object (UFO) server on a single node (single brick) Gluster server using the RPMs contained in my YUM repo at This repo contains RPMs for Fedora 16, Fedora 17, and RHEL 6. Alternatively you may use the glusterfs-3.4.0beta1 RPMs from the GlusterFS YUM repo at

1. Add the repo to your system. See the README file there for instructions. N.B. If you’re using CentOS or some other RHEL clone you’ll want (need) to add the Fedora EPEL repo — see

2. Install glusterfs and UFO (remember to enable the new repo first):

  • glusterfs-3.3.1 or glusterfs-3.4.0beta1 on Fedora 17 and Fedora 18: `yum install glusterfs glusterfs-server glusterfs-fuse glusterfs-swift glusterfs-swift-account glusterfs-swift-container glusterfs-swift-object glusterfs-swift-proxy glusterfs-ufo`
  • glusterfs-3.4.0beta1 on Fedora 19, RHEL 6, and CentOS 6: `yum install glusterfs glusterfs-server glusterfs-fuse openstack-swift openstack-swift-account openstack-swift-container openstack-swift-object openstack-swift-proxy glusterfs-ufo`

3. Start glusterfs:

  • On Fedora 17, Fedora 18: `systemctl start glusterd.service`
  • On Fedora 16 or  RHEL 6 `service start glusterd`
  • On CentOS6.x `/etc/init.d/glusterd start`

4. Create a glusterfs volume:
`gluster volume create $myvolname $myhostname:$pathtobrick`

5. Start the glusterfs volume:
`gluster volume start $myvolname`

6. Create a self-signed cert for UFO:
`cd /etc/swift; openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -out cert.crt -keyout cert.key`

7. fixup some files in /etc/swift:

  • `mv swift.conf-gluster swift.conf`
  • `mv fs.conf-gluster fs.conf`
  • `mv proxy-server.conf-gluster proxy-server.conf`
  • `mv account-server/1.conf-gluster account-server/1.conf`
  • `mv container-server/1.conf-gluster container-server/1.conf`
  • `mv object-server/1.conf-gluster object-server/1.conf`
  • `rm {account,container,object}-server.conf

8. Configure UFO (edit /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf):
+ add your cert and key to the [DEFAULT] section:
bind_port = 443
cert_file = /etc/swift/cert.crt
key_file = /etc/swift/cert.key
+ add one or more users of the gluster volume to the [filter:tempauth] section:
user_$myvolname_$username=$password .admin
+ add the memcache address to the [filter:cache] section:
memcache_servers =

9. Generate builders:
`/usr/bin/gluster-swift-gen-builders $myvolname`

10. Start memcached:

  • On Fedora 17: `systemctl start memcached.service`
  • On Fedora 16 or  RHEL 6 `service start memcached`
  • On CentOS6.x `/etc/init.d/memcached start`

11. Start UFO:

`swift-init main start`

» This has bitten me more than once. If you ssh -X into the machine running swift, it’s likely that sshd will already be using ports 6010, 6011, and 6012, and will collide with the swift processes trying to use those ports «

12. Get authentication token from UFO:
`curl -v -H 'X-Storage-User: $myvolname:$username' -H 'X-Storage-Pass: $password' -k https://$myhostname:443/auth/v1.0`
(authtoken similar to AUTH_tk2c69b572dd544383b352d0f0d61c2e6d)

13. Create a container:
`curl -v -X PUT -H 'X-Auth-Token: $authtoken' https://$myhostname:443/v1/AUTH_$myvolname/$mycontainername -k`

14. List containers:
`curl -v -X GET -H 'X-Auth-Token: $authtoken' https://$myhostname:443/v1/AUTH_$myvolname -k`

15. Upload a file to a container:

`curl -v -X PUT -T $filename -H 'X-Auth-Token: $authtoken' -H 'Content-Length: $filelen' https://$myhostname:443/v1/AUTH_$myvolname/$mycontainername/$filename -k`

16. Download the file:

`curl -v -X GET -H 'X-Auth-Token: $authtoken' https://$myhostname:443/v1/AUTH_$myvolname/$mycontainername/$filename -k > $filename`

More information and examples are available from


N.B. We (Red Hat, Gluster) generally recommend using xfs for brick volumes; or if you’re feeling brave, btrfs. If you’re using ext4 be aware of the ext4 issue* and if you’re using ext3 make sure you mount it with -o user_xattr.



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