Hi All,
First of all, happy new year 2018! Hope all of your wishes come true this year, and hope you will have time for contributing to Gluster Project this year too 🙂
As a contributor and one of the maintainers to the project I would like to propose below plans for Gluster Project, and please share your feedback, and comments on them.
Improved Automation to reduce the process burden
We started some effort in this direction already. The thought process is captured here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AFkZmRRDXRxs21GnGauieIyiIiRZ-nTEW8CPi7Gbp3g/edit?usp=sharing We need your help to share experience from other projects, and help to automate most of it.
Use case driven documentation
Will be an on-going effort, but instead of focusing on more options, different way of doing things, we will try to keep one very well tested way in documentation.
All other options, hacks etc will be moved into ‘Advanced’ section.
Participation, meetups in more conferences and events, across the globe.
We will participate in more events, so users can interact with more developers, and express their concerns, suggestions, discuss ideas etc. Please suggest your ideas at https://github.com/gluster/community/issues/7
We will be open to hear both good and bad things about project, so we can continue good things, and fix the things which are not going well. Do let us know about some events where you would like to see some of the developers, so we can see what can be done.
Focus on Integrations with other projects/products.
In storage, it is better to be 100% (or close to it) fit for some use cases / few use cases, instead of trying to be good for everyone and solving around 90% issues in generic usecase.
We will be happy to get contribution in this direction, and also will work on making sure project is integration friendly. We will take integration issues with priority, and would work with different communities to get this effort move on properly.
Continue with stable release cycles
Since last 5-6 releases, we have been sticking to timelines. We promise to keep this going. We will make Gluster 4.0 happen, and by 4.1 release, would like to see all the community starts thinking about migration to higher versions.
We are also working on many more ‘tasks’ in the meantime. If you need anything, feel free to send an email, and/or raise an issue in github.
2020 has not been a year we would have been able to predict. With a worldwide pandemic and lives thrown out of gear, as we head into 2021, we are thankful that our community and project continued to receive new developers, users and make small gains. For that and a...
It has been a while since we provided an update to the Gluster community. Across the world various nations, states and localities have put together sets of guidelines around shelter-in-place and quarantine. We request our community members to stay safe, to care for their loved ones, to continue to be...
The initial rounds of conversation around the planning of content for release 8 has helped the project identify one key thing – the need to stagger out features and enhancements over multiple releases. Thus, while release 8 is unlikely to be feature heavy as previous releases, it will be the...