[Gluster-devel] Announcing GlusterFS-3.7.11

Kaushal M kshlmster at gmail.com
Tue Apr 19 06:50:19 UTC 2016

Hi All,

I'm pleased to announce the release of GlusterFS version 3.7.11.

GlusterFS-3.7.11 has been a quick release to fix some regressions
found in GlusterFS-3.7.10. If anyone has been wondering why there
hasn't been a proper release announcement for 3.7.10 please refer to
my mail on this subject

Release-notes for GlusterFS-3.7.11 are available at

The tarball for 3.7.11 can be downloaded from

Packages for Fedora 23, 24, 25 available via Fedora Updates or Updates-Testing.

Packages for Fedora 22 and EPEL {5,6,7} are available on download.gluster.org.

Packages for Debian Stretch, Jessie and Wheezy are available on

Packages for Ubuntu are in Launchpad PPAs at https://launchpad.net/~gluster

Packages for SLES-12, OpenSuSE-13, and Leap42.1 are in SuSE Build Service at

Packages for other distributions should be available soon in their
respective distribution channels.

Thank you to all the contributors to this release.


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