#!/bin/sh -x mount -t glusterfs gfstest.corvidtec.com:/testbrick01 /testbrick01 -o transport=tcp,_netdev # #... Test speed of gluster (*** AFTER REBOOT ***) # cd /testbrick01 time tar -xPf boost_1_57_0.tar; mv boost_1_57_0 ztemp11 time tar -xPf boost_1_57_0.tar; mv boost_1_57_0 ztemp12 time tar -xPf boost_1_57_0.tar; mv boost_1_57_0 ztemp13 time du -h -s ztemp01 time find ztemp02 | wc time ls -R ztemp03 >& /dev/null mv /var/log/glusterfs/testbrick01.log /root/testbrick01.log.2 # #... Test underlying XFS file system # mkdir /data/brick01/temptest cd /data/brick01/temptest cp /root/boost_1_57_0.tar . time tar -xPf boost_1_57_0.tar; mv boost_1_57_0 ztemp01 time tar -xPf boost_1_57_0.tar; mv boost_1_57_0 ztemp02 time tar -xPf boost_1_57_0.tar; mv boost_1_57_0 ztemp03 time du -h -s ztemp01 time find ztemp02 | wc time ls -R ztemp03 >& /dev/null rm -rf /data/brick01/temptest #... Reboot the machine and run speedtest2 script